Monday, April 03, 2006


i hate the smell of those stupid sharpie markers. Makes me feel so sick and my head then fucken hurts and i will feel like throwing up....

how the fuck do people sniff this shit. like god its so fucken gross.

Fuck drugs they do shit for you and make you become shit. Why fucken start its just another more painful and degrating way to die.... well whatever you want to die a fucked up death go ahead, cuase then it will only mean less people commpeating for my job.

what is it about writing little things that makes me feel better. like as the words leave me head on to the page so do the emotions and feelings.

i shall collect them and make a very very controverial odd twisted book...

i want to devel deep into the mind so deep that i see al the sick parts mangled with fear and hate and regret

i want people to see the disgusting disese living in there head

that we are not as pure and caring as we truly think we are... that we are not as true to our nature as we want to be... that we are walking falts


thats its ok that we can deal and move through life.... doing our best or

we could just end it all