Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hey my first entry

I just felt like making a blog to put of random thoughts and poems or short store ideas/chapters, food ideas, and whatever else I feel like writing. So I might update a lot sometimes I wont, I'm a freshmen in college so the new experience of living in a dorm away from home inspired me to do this.

I hope that some of you will actually read my blog and post comments.

Right now I'm just here thinking about how fast you can get comfortable in a new environment. The sounds and the smells, such small things create such a major impact on our lives. I have to say I'm very happy about most of the dorm except the fact that it lacks that wonderful smell that comes from an overly used kitchen.

I love to cook always have and I miss cooking in my kitchen the most, all the pots, pans, and other wonderful equipment is sitting in draws and cabinets at home, to think they may not be used kills me. My mother works a lot but when she is home her cooking is out of this world, i want to cook like her. Well there is a kitchen on the 5th floor of my dorm hall so maybe I could try to do a little cooking there, even if its a really cheep electric stove.

Well I guess that's all for now. I'll try to update later,

so till then may you fly beyond reality into the unknown


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